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EstimationConfig #

Bases: BaseModel

printTime: PrintTimeEstimationConfig = PrintTimeEstimationConfig() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Parameters for the print time estimation during an ongoing print job.

PrintTimeEstimationConfig #

Bases: BaseModel

forceDumbAfterMin: float = 30.0 class-attribute instance-attribute #

If no estimate could be calculated until this many minutes into the print and no statistical data is available, use dumb linear estimate.

forceDumbFromPercent: float = 0.3 class-attribute instance-attribute #

If no estimate could be calculated until this percentage and no statistical data is available, use dumb linear estimate. Value between 0 and 1.0.

stableThreshold: int = 60 class-attribute instance-attribute #

Average fluctuation between individual calculated estimates to consider in stable range. Seconds of difference.

statsWeighingUntil: float = 0.5 class-attribute instance-attribute #

Until which percentage to do a weighted mixture of statistical duration (analysis or past prints) with the result from the calculated estimate if that's already available. Utilized to compensate for the fact that the earlier in a print job, the least accuracy even a stable calculated estimate provides.

validityRange: float = 0.15 class-attribute instance-attribute #

Range the assumed percentage (based on current estimated statistical, calculated or mixed total vs elapsed print time so far) needs to be around the actual percentage for the result to be used.