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find_collision_free_name(filename, extension, existing_filenames, max_power = 2) #

Tries to find a collision free translation of "." to the 8.3 DOS compatible format, preventing collisions with any of the existing_filenames.

First strips all of ."/\[]:;=, from the filename and extensions, converts them to lower case and truncates the extension to a maximum length of 3 characters.

If the filename is already equal or less than 8 characters in length after that procedure and "." are not contained in the existing_files, that concatenation will be returned as the result.

If not, the following algorithm will be applied to try to find a collision free name::

set counter := power := 1
while counter < 10^max_power:
    set truncated := substr(filename, 0, 6 - power + 1) + "~" + counter
    set result := "<truncated>.<extension>"
    if result is collision free:
        return result
    if counter >= 10 ** power:
raise ValueError

This will basically -- for a given original filename of some_filename and an extension of gco -- iterate through names of the format some_f~1.gco, some_f~2.gco, ..., some_~10.gco, some_~11.gco, ..., <prefix>~<n>.gco for n less than 10 ^ max_power, returning as soon as one is found that is not colliding.


  • filename (string) –

    The filename without the extension to convert to 8.3.

  • extension (string) –

    The extension to convert to 8.3 -- will be truncated to 3 characters if it's longer than that.

  • existing_filenames (list) –

    A list of existing filenames to prevent name collisions with.

  • max_power (int) –

    Limits the possible attempts of generating a collision free name to 10 ^ max_power variations. Defaults to 2, so the name generation will maximally reach <name>~99.<ext> before aborting and raising an exception.


  • string

    A 8.3 representation of the provided original filename, ensured to not collide with the provided existing_filenames


  • ValueError

    No collision free name could be found.


>>> find_collision_free_name("test1234", "gco", [])
>>> find_collision_free_name("test1234", "gcode", [])
>>> find_collision_free_name("test12345", "gco", [])
>>> find_collision_free_name("test 123", "gco", [])
>>> find_collision_free_name("test1234", "g o", [])
>>> find_collision_free_name("test12345", "gco", ["/test12~1.gco"])
>>> many_files = ["/test12~{}.gco".format(x) for x in range(10)[1:]]
>>> find_collision_free_name("test12345", "gco", many_files)
>>> many_more_files = many_files + ["/test1~{}.gco".format(x) for x in range(10, 99)]
>>> find_collision_free_name("test12345", "gco", many_more_files)
>>> many_more_files_plus_one = many_more_files + ["/test1~99.gco"]
>>> find_collision_free_name("test12345", "gco", many_more_files_plus_one)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Can't create a collision free filename
>>> find_collision_free_name("test12345", "gco", many_more_files_plus_one, max_power=3)

get_dos_filename(input, existing_filenames = None, extension = None, whitelisted_extensions = None, **kwargs) #

Converts the provided input filename to a 8.3 DOS compatible filename. If existing_filenames is provided, the conversion result will be guaranteed not to collide with any of the filenames provided thus.

Uses :func:find_collision_free_name internally.


  • input (string) –

    The original filename incl. extension to convert to the 8.3 format.

  • existing_filenames (list) –

    A list of existing filenames with which the generated 8.3 name must not collide. Optional.

  • extension (string) –

    The .3 file extension to use for the generated filename. If not provided, the extension of the provided filename will simply be truncated to 3 characters.

  • whitelisted_extensions (list) –

    A list of extensions on input that will be left as-is instead of exchanging for extension.

  • kwargs (dict) –

    Additional keyword arguments to provide to :func:find_collision_free_name.


  • string

    A 8.3 compatible translation of the original filename, not colliding with the optionally provided existing_filenames and with the provided extension or the original extension shortened to a maximum of 3 characters.


  • ValueError

    No 8.3 compatible name could be found that doesn't collide with the provided existing_filenames.


>>> get_dos_filename("test1234.gco")
>>> get_dos_filename("test1234.gcode")
>>> get_dos_filename("test12345.gco")
>>> get_dos_filename("Wölfe 🐺.gcode")
>>> get_dos_filename("💚.gcode")
>>> get_dos_filename("test1234.fnord", extension="gco")
>>> get_dos_filename("auto0.g", extension="gco")
>>> get_dos_filename("auto0.g", extension="gco", whitelisted_extensions=["g"])
>>> get_dos_filename(None)
>>> get_dos_filename("foo")

m20_timestamp_to_unix_timestamp(timestamp) #

Converts "M20 T" timestamp to unix timestamp. Upper 16 bit contain date, lower 16 bit contain time.

Format derived from FAT filesystem timestamps:


  • timestamp (string) –

    M20 T timestamp as hex string


  • int

    Unix timestamp in seconds

sanitize_filename(name, really_universal = False) #

Sanitizes the provided filename. Implementation differs between Python versions.

Under normal operation, pathvalidate.sanitize_filename will be used, leaving the name as intact as possible while still being a legal file name under all operating systems.

Behaviour can be changed by setting really_universal to True. In this case, the name will be ASCII-fied, using octoprint.util.text.sanitize with safe chars -_.()[] and all spaces replaced by _. This is the old behaviour.

In all cases, a single leading . will be removed (as it denotes hidden files on *nix).


  • name

    The file name to sanitize. Only the name, no path elements.

  • really_universal

    If True, the old method of sanitization will always be used. Defaults to False.


  • the sanitized file name

silent_remove(file) #

Silently removes a file. Does not raise an error if the file doesn't exist.


  • file (string) –

    The path of the file to be removed

unix_timestamp_to_m20_timestamp(unix_timestamp) #

Converts unix timestamp to "M20 T" format which embeds date and time into 32bit int. Upper 16 bit contain date, lower 16 bit contain time.

Format derived from FAT filesystem timestamps:


  • unix_timestamp (int) –

    Unix timestamp in seconds


  • string

    M20 T timestamp as hex string